Aaron Witt
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The Dirt Talk Podcast!

Social media influencer/tech bro starts a podcast. How fucking original…

Podcasts have changed my life. For example, I doubt I would've started BuildWitt without Andy Frisella's MFCEO Project in 2015.

But starting one? Please… What would I offer? How would I stand out from the million great existing podcasts? How does one even make a podcast? 

These were the questions I asked myself weekly as Dan Briscoe harassed me about it in 2019. I had no answers, so I didn't start a podcast.

Until I realized he was right… He knew I was regularly talking to amazing people within the Dirt World and understood many people could benefit from what they had to say. In other words, it wasn't about me—similar to BuildWitt as a whole, it was about building a platform to share the perspectives of industry leaders to improve the Dirt World.

So in 2020 (a TOTALLY normal year), I bought a podcasting kit, moved some junk off my Scottsdale apartment desk, and asked the people I knew throughout the industry if they'd join me on the new Dirt Talk Podcast.

None of my guests had ever been on a podcast, but to their credit, they jumped into the deep end with me. I recorded each hour-long conversation via phone, sent the file to an editing service, and uploaded the episodes to a podcasting platform.

The hardest part? Having a coherent conversation worth listening to. The further I dove into podcasting, the more I realized I didn't know. A victim of the Dunning-Kruger Effect yet again.

By some miracle, I've convinced hundreds of incredible people, from welders to multi-billion dollar construction company CEOs, to join me on an audio journey, wandering through life stories and industry hot topics.

If you have listened along the way, thank you. We have SO MANY great people and topics lined up through the end of this year and into 2025, and I'm having more fun than ever, so stay tuned.

If you haven't listened, we'd love to have you give it a shot. From conversations about the disrepair of American bridges to building the world's longest submerged tunnel to the importance of faith in business, we have something for everyone within the Dirt World.

You can listen at the link below or by searching Dirt Talk (Dirty Talk is something different) on any podcast platform.

And remember… Stay dirty!


Dirt Talk Podcast

Bryan Peters is President of AdvanceTrac, an equipment rental and sales business based in Texas. In this episode, Aaron and Bryan wander from anywhere from workforce challenges to servicing equipment. Learn more about AdvanceTrac by checking out their website here — https://www.advancetrac.net/


Situated in Western Australia, the Pilbarra looks like a barren orange-red expanse to the untrained eye. But anyone who knows anything about mining knows it's one of the world's most valuable and vital regions.

Why? Iron ore…

Steel makes our world go round — cars, buildings, and power wouldn't exist without the stuff. And steel requires two main ingredients: coal and iron ore, which makes iron ore as critical to humanity as it gets.

In 1968, Western Australian iron ore production was about 20 million tons. Today, the region exports over 850 million tons annually. With new mines still opening and existing mines undergoing expansions, the Pilbara's iron production will continue STRONG for decades.

When I asked Rio Tinto to visit their new mine, Gudai Darri, they also asked if we wanted to check out their rail and port operations. I promptly signed us up!

Rio Tinto has SEVENTEEN iron ore operations in the Pilbara. Gudai Darri started in 2022 and will operate for 40 years at an annual production rate of 40+ million tons. Nuts…

Part two will be out soon!


Stay Dirty

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hand waving